How to Increase Conversion Rate: 8 Tactics for 2024

Sakshi Gupta
July 15, 2024
16 mins


“What you prefer or what your designer prefers doesn’t matter if it’s not getting you conversions.” - 

– A brand strategist and UX/UI designer: Naomi Niles 

Conversion rates are crucial for any online marketing effort. Whether you're an experienced marketer or new to the field, knowing how to understand, track, and boost conversion rates is key to your website's success.

That said, to achieve target sales, you must attract and convert users. But what's the average conversion rate? 

The average conversion rate varies depending on your industry, the marketing platforms you use, and how well you know your customers. Generally, a conversion rate of 2 to 5% is considered average across most sectors. According to WordStream, the standard median conversion rate is 2.35%.

In this article, we’ll learn about why conversion rates matter and 8 things you can do to increase the conversion rate for your webpage. 

Let’s get started!

Why Does Increasing Your Conversion Rates Matter?

The website conversion rate signifies the percentage of visitors who take a specific desired action on your site, such as signing up for trials or downloading an ebook.

Amplifying your conversion rate is crucial because it leads to more sales and attracts new business. Furthermore, conversion rates are among the most important metrics for ensuring the success of your marketing campaigns and preventing budget waste.

By incorporating Nudge's gamification feature, you can create engaging experiences that encourage users to form habits, reactivate their interests, and improve their lifetime value. 

Nudge’s Interactive Gamification

The purpose of a marketing campaign is to get users to take action, such as signing up for services, filling out lead generation forms, purchasing products, or providing email addresses. In brief, the main aim of marketing is to compel people to do what you want them to do and eventually produce profitable revenue. 

And the secret to knowing the effectiveness of the strategy lies in conversion rates. 

How to Increase Conversion Rate: 8 Tactics That Work

“Never stop testing, and your advertising will never stop improving.” David Ogilvy, a pioneer in modern advertising, emphasized the importance of continuous testing for improving advertising effectiveness. 

Integrating Nudge's surveys feature allows you to collect user feedback and customize your app to improve conversion rates. You can easily create surveys with various question types and set up the logic for each of them directly from the dashboard.

Nudge’s Surveys Dashboard

Want to know how to increase conversion rate on your website? If so, here are 8 tactics you must implement. 

  1. Add Social Proof to Your Site

Did you know that 97% of users read reviews before making a purchase, and 83% of people trust reviews more than advertisements? Hence, incorporating social proof on your website is crucial to building trust and influencing potential users. 

Zendesk's Customer page is a great example of a customer testimonial for a few reasons. It's easy to read right away, with lots of space between customer features and eye-catching graphics. 

Zendesk Customer Stories

Here’s how you can add social proof on your web pages.

  • Customer reviews: Did you know every eCommerce site has customer reviews, and around 93% of shoppers check reviews before buying? Incorporating Nudge's surveys and polls allows you to actively gather valuable customer feedback. Surveys enable you to ask specific questions and gather detailed insights directly from your audience. 
Nudge’s Survey
  • Case studies: You can use case studies to tell stories to showcase real impact and build credibility.
  • Social proof pop-ups: Display user activity to boost trust and sales. For instance, uses social proof pop-ups to showcase recent purchases, bookings, or sign-ups to create a sense of urgency and confidence among potential users. Sign-up Page
  1. Shorten Your Forms to Increase Conversion

Did you know? Approximately 34% of individuals who start a form fail to finish it successfully! One reason users might not complete the form is friction in the process. For instance, if there's a lengthy form, visitors may hesitate to complete it.

Here are ways you can shorten your forms.

  • Begin with only the necessary information and gather additional details later through email, surveys, or follow-up calls.
  • Enable third-party account sign-ups like Google sign-in to simplify user registration and enhance convenience, boosting conversion chances.

Eventbrite, a leading event planning software, offers user-friendly registration forms and alternative sign-up options, such as Facebook, to make the entire process more accessible for users.

Eventbrite Sign-up Page

Through Nudge's engagement features, you can create engaging user experiences that encourage user retention. Utilize challenges, point systems, streaks, polls, or quizzes to prompt users to take desired actions.

Nudge's Engagement Feature
  1. Use Clear Calls to Action

CTAs are like signposts on your website that direct visitors to take specific actions, such as buying a product, signing up for a newsletter, or asking for a quote. Hence, a clear and compelling CTA can boost user interest and enhance conversions, ultimately helping your company grow.

Trello, for instance, displays effective CTAs like "Sign Up - It's Free!" to attract users to start using their project management platform.

Trello’s Homepage

Through Nudge's conversion feature, you can personalize user journeys to enhance revenues and lifetime value. Incorporating PIP (Picture-in-Picture) videos, streaks, and challenges, among other features, allows you to effectively highlight sales and offers. This, in turn, creates compelling calls to action that encourage users to take immediate action. 

Nudge’s Streak Feature
  1. Add a Live Chat to Drive Conversions

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” 

– An American memoirist, poet, and civil rights activist: Maya Angelou

According to Forrester, 50% of adults will abandon a purchase if they can't get a quick answer to their question. When visitors don't convert, it's often because they have questions or concerns about your product or service. Adding a live chat option to your website can address these issues effectively. 

Best Buy, an American multinational consumer electronics retailer, offers live chat to help customers with product comparisons, technical assistance, and order placement.

Best Buy’s Chat Now Dashboard
  1. Improve Page Load Speed to Keep Users Engaged

If your landing page loads slowly, users are more likely to bounce.

For instance, if it takes 3 seconds to load, users are 32% more likely to bounce. If it takes 6 seconds, that likelihood jumps to 106%.

Therefore, improving page load speed by optimizing file sizes, minimizing CSS and JavaScript files, and implementing browser HTTP caching is essential.

Pinterest, a visual discovery engine, increased search engine traffic and sign-ups by 15% by reducing perceived wait times by 40%.

Pinterest Homepage
  1. Send In-App Messages

More than two-thirds of shoppers abandon their carts before they get to checkout. However, this doesn't mean they won't buy from you. These are customers who liked your products but didn't end up buying them at the given time. 

Sending in-app messages about the abandoned cart can remind these shoppers why they liked your products and encourage them to return and complete their purchase.

In this regard, Etsy, a global marketplace for unique goods, does a fabulous job by sending personalized in-app messages that showcase items left in the cart, along with discounts, to prompt such shoppers to complete their purchases.

Etsy Abandoned Basket
  1. Have a Reassuring Returns Policy

Online shopping lacks the advantage of physically seeing a product before purchase. In this regard, a transparent returns policy reassures shoppers that they can return items if they don't meet expectations. This not only provides peace of mind but potentially increases conversion rates.

H&M, a multinational clothing company, offers a hassle-free return policy. Users can return items for free online within 15 days, making shopping convenient.

H&M Return Policy’s Dashboard
  1. Optimize for Mobile Conversion

Did you know: 95.8% of people use mobile phones to access the internet, while approximately 62.9% use laptops or desktops for the same purpose?

Hence, mobile-friendly pages are crucial for boosting conversion rates by catering to the large number of users who predominantly use mobile devices daily to access websites. 

When designing for mobile, it is essential to keep these key tactics in mind.

  1. Adjust designs to fit smaller screens, thus focusing on the primary visual and CTA buttons.
  2. Remember, less is more on mobile. So, make sure to use concise language. 
  3. Mobile users expect fast loading times, and therefore, it is critical to ensure your pages load in under three seconds to retain users. 

Walmart, a multinational retail corporation, website optimization for mobile devices led to a remarkable 98% increase in mobile sales. By implementing responsive design, the company ensured its website could adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices. Now, isn’t that amazing?

Walmart Homepage


"I have not failed 10,000 times. I have successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work." 

- An American inventor and businessman: Thomas Edison

That's right. The journey to improving conversion rates is a process of continuous learning and unlearning.

Understanding how to increase conversion rate and why it is important is essential. Implementing these 8 proven strategies will help you optimize user experience, streamline your sales funnel, and ultimately boost your conversion rate. 

Start applying these methods today to see a significant impact on your conversion rate. Take the first step by booking a demo with us and watch your conversion rate soar!

Read Next: Website Conversion Rate Optimization: Techniques and Tips to Get Started

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Sakshi Gupta
July 15, 2024