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How To Improve Net Promoter Score with Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Gaurav Rawat
September 8, 2024
16 mins


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This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.


"Customer satisfaction is a priceless commodity; it forms the bedrock of loyalty and long-term growth," says Harsh Mariwala, Founder of Marico Industries. Whether you're running a small business or leading a large-scale enterprise, measuring customer satisfaction and loyalty improving the Net Promoter Score is crucial. 

NPS is a powerful metric that helps businesses understand how likely customers are to recommend their brand to others. To put it simply, a higher NPS means happier, more loyal customers.

Here’s a quick look at how improving NPS can transform your business:

  • Increase customer loyalty.
  • Encourage organic word-of-mouth promotion.
  • Gain insights into customer satisfaction and areas needing improvement.

So, let’s dive into the details of NPS and why it matters so much.

What Is Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a simple yet effective metric that tells you how likely your customers are to recommend your brand, product, or service to others. The score ranges from -100 to 100, based on responses to a single question: “On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?”

Customers who rate you:

  • 9 or 10 are Promoters. They love your brand and actively recommend it.
  • 7 or 8 are Passives. They are satisfied but not enthusiastic enough to promote.
  • 0 to 6 are Detractors. They may have had a negative experience and could discourage others from using your service.

The NPS score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. NPS offers a quick way to understand customer sentiment.

To understand more about your customers, read this- Guide to user analysis: Types & Methods

Why Is NPS Important for Your Business?

Understanding NPS is crucial because it directly reflects customer loyalty and satisfaction. Here are three reasons why you should care about your NPS:

  1. Predicts Growth: Businesses with high NPS scores often experience higher customer retention and referral rates.
  2. Customer Insights: NPS allows you to identify promoters who will spread the word and detractors who may leave negative reviews.
  3. Improves Engagement: By addressing the needs of detractors, you can increase overall customer satisfaction.

Top 5 Companies in India with High NPS Scores

"The only way to win in a market where loyalty is dwindling is by building solid relationships through customer satisfaction," says Kunal Shah, Founder of CRED. Here are some mid-level Indian companies excelling in their Net Promoter Score:











Each of these companies has invested heavily in customer engagement and satisfaction, which reflects in their high NPS scores. Now let’s explore the components that make up this critical metric.

Components of Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS is built on a simple foundation, but several components play a key role in its effectiveness:

  1. The Survey Question: The heart of NPS is the question: “How likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?” This question provides insight into the overall customer experience.
  2. The Scale: Customers respond on a scale of 0-10. This scale segments respondents into three categories—Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.
  3. Calculation: Your NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. Passives don’t count directly in the score but do influence how others perceive your service.
  4. Feedback Collection: Gathering feedback beyond the score is crucial. After customers provide their NPS rating, it's useful to ask a follow-up question like, “Can you tell us why you gave that score?” This allows you to collect qualitative insights that help you identify what’s working well and where improvements are needed.

Now, instead of relying on engineers to manually code and create these feedback forms, you could use Nudge’s Survey feature. It enables you to easily set up logic-based surveys, where the questions adapt based on your customer’s answers. 

Components of Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Nudge’s survey feature for feedback collection

For example, if someone rates you as a detractor (0-6), the survey can automatically trigger a question to uncover the issue, making your data collection smarter and more meaningful. Plus, with real-time analytics, you can start acting on this feedback immediately.

  1. Distribution: It’s important to survey the right customers at the right time—ideally after a significant interaction with your product or service, like post-purchase or post-onboarding. This ensures that the feedback reflects a genuine experience.

How to Interpret a Good or Bad NPS

Interpreting your NPS score can feel straightforward, but understanding the nuances is key to using it effectively for business growth.

NPS Range Interpretation Table

NPS Range Interpretation

NPS Range Interpretation Action Needed
-100 to 0 Poor Immediate action required to improve customer satisfaction and reduce churn.
0 to 30 Fair Identify pain points and work on customer experience to boost loyalty and satisfaction.
30 to 70 Good Continue enhancing the experience, focus on converting passives into promoters.
70+ Excellent Maintain current strategies, but keep innovating to sustain and further elevate customer loyalty.

NPS Range: As mentioned, the score ranges from -100 to 100. But what exactly does a "good" or "bad" score look like?

  • Negative NPS: A score below 0 indicates that you have more detractors than promoters. This signals serious issues with customer satisfaction, and immediate action is needed to prevent churn.
  • 0 to 30: While positive, this range suggests that improvements are still needed. You're doing some things right, but there's ample room for enhancing the customer experience.
  • 30 to 70: This is considered a strong NPS. Your customers are satisfied and more likely to recommend your brand, but there’s always room to elevate those passive customers into promoters.
  • 70+: You’re hitting an excellent NPS here. Companies with scores above 70 often enjoy high loyalty, repeat business, and a strong referral pipeline. Keep doing what you're doing, but never stop striving for better.

Suppose you're aiming to shift more passives into promoters. Using Nudge’s In-App Messages, you could gently remind passives about new features they haven’t explored yet or offer them a discount to nudge them into becoming more engaged. These personalized nudges can help passives feel more valued and encourage them to become loyal promoters over time.

How to Interpret a Good or Bad NPS
In-app messages nudge feature offered by Nudge

Connection between Net Promoter Score (NPS) with Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Customer satisfaction and loyalty are the bedrock of a strong Net Promoter Score. Here’s how they tie together:

  • Customer Satisfaction: This is the immediate reaction customers have after interacting with your product or service. A satisfied customer is more likely to become a promoter because their experience has met or exceeded their expectations. You can measure this through various metrics like CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score), where you ask customers to rate their satisfaction with specific touchpoints.
  • Customer Loyalty: This is the long-term commitment customers feel toward your brand. Loyal customers repeatedly choose your product, recommend it to others, and defend it in public. These are the customers who give you high NPS ratings because they trust and value your brand.

The NPS acts as a bridge between satisfaction and loyalty. It reveals not only how satisfied your customers are but also how willing they are to stick around and spread the word. If you have a high NPS, it's a sign that your customers are both happy and loyal.

You can use Nudge’s Loyalty Programs to enhance both satisfaction and loyalty. By offering rewards, streaks, and gamified challenges, you create continuous engagement, making customers feel appreciated and valued. 

Connection between Net Promoter Score (NPS) with Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
Loyalty program- one of the gamification feature offered by Nudge

For example, a gamified referral system can not only boost customer retention but also encourage loyal customers to become promoters.

9 Best Practices for Improving NPS

Improving your Net Promoter Score requires a strategic approach that enhances the customer experience while boosting satisfaction and loyalty. Here are nine best practices to help you elevate your NPS:

  1. Focus on Customer Experience: Ensure every touchpoint in the customer journey is seamless, whether it's onboarding, product use, or support. A smooth experience naturally leads to higher NPS. Regularly map out the customer journey and identify friction points to improve.
  2. Act on Feedback Quickly: Collecting NPS scores is just the start. Address detractor’s concerns promptly to prevent churn, and reinforce positive behaviors with promoters. How quickly can you realistically respond to feedback? Aim for a 48-hour response time to show customers their feedback is valued.

Also read: How to solicit valuable customer feedback

  1. Personalize the Experience: Tailor interactions and solutions to each customer’s specific needs. This shows customers you understand them, leading to higher satisfaction. Use data from past interactions to enhance personalization, such as remembering previous issues or preferences.
  2. Leverage Nudge’s Real-Time Analytics: Nudge’s real-time analytics allow you to track customer behavior and gather instant insights into what’s working. This way, you can adjust strategies quickly to enhance the overall experience before customers lose interest. Set up dashboards to monitor key metrics regularly and spot trends early.
  3. Close the Loop with Detractors: Always follow up with detractors to understand their issues. Closing the loop demonstrates that you’re committed to improvement. What specific actions can you take to address common concerns? Implementing solutions based on feedback can convert negative experiences into positive ones.
  4. Engage Promoters: Encourage promoters to share their positive experiences using Nudge’s Stories and Videos feature. This showcases their authentic praise, boosting your brand’s image. Featuring user-generated content on your website or social media amplifies these positive testimonials.
9 Best Practices for Improving NPS
Stories and videos feature offered by Nudge
  1. Train Your Team: Ensure all team members are dedicated to delivering exceptional customer experiences. Regular training helps your team stay updated on best practices and enhances their ability to handle customer interactions effectively. How often do you provide customer service training? Regular workshops keep your team equipped with the latest techniques.
  2. Offer Incentives for Participation: Increase survey participation rates by offering rewards or loyalty points through Nudge’s Gamification feature. Incentives can motivate customers to provide feedback and stay engaged with your brand. Consider offering tiered rewards to encourage detailed responses.
9 Best Practices for Improving NPS
Gamification features offered by Nudge
  1. Measure and Adapt: Regularly track your NPS to identify trends and adjust strategies accordingly. This dynamic approach helps you stay ahead of customer expectations. How often should you review your NPS data? Reviewing it monthly or quarterly allows for timely adjustments to improve customer satisfaction.


Elevating your Net Promoter Score is all about enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. By focusing on real-time feedback, personalising experiences, and acting swiftly, you can transform detractors into loyal promoters. Using Nudge’s features like real-time analytics and gamified surveys helps you achieve these goals effortlessly. Ready to see how it works? Book a demo with us today to experience how Nudge can boost your NPS and drive lasting customer satisfaction.

Are you ready to transform your customer feedback into actionable insights? Book a demo now and take the first step towards improving your NPS!


  1. Are there any alternatives to Net Promoter Score?

Yes, there are several alternatives to NPS, such as Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), Customer Effort Score (CES), and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). Each metric offers different insights into customer experience and can be used in combination to get a fuller picture of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  1. How often should you survey for the Net Promoter Score?

The frequency of NPS surveys depends on your business model and customer interactions. For most businesses, quarterly or biannual surveys work well. However, if you have frequent customer interactions, like in e-commerce or SaaS, you might opt for more frequent surveys to capture real-time feedback.

  1. What factors affect the Net Promoter Score?

Several factors can impact your NPS, including product quality, customer service, ease of use, and overall customer experience. External factors like market competition and customer expectations also play a role. Regularly assessing and addressing these elements can help improve your score.

  1. How to increase the response rate of NPS surveys?

To boost your NPS survey response rate, keep surveys short and simple, offer incentives or rewards, and time them strategically after key interactions or milestones. Using Nudge’s Gamification feature can also make the survey process more engaging, encouraging higher participation rates.

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Gaurav Rawat
September 8, 2024

Give your users that last nudge