30 Top User Engagement Tools To Improve App Experiences

Gaurav Rawat
May 27, 2024
21 mins


Building a great app experience is paramount to running a successful business. But to do so — you require adequate and capable tools that are compatible with your product.

What if you choose a user engagement tool and they stop providing updates?

Or do they not have enough features that you may potentially need to support your app’s current success story in the future?

Choosing the wrong user engagement tool can have detrimental effects on your app's success. Some user engagement tools add too much complexity instead of making your app more usable and intuitive.

Such things halt the growth of your app, where they hinder your product development and engagement efforts.

To navigate the vast variety of user engagement tools, you need to know that each tool has specific use cases that it caters to. With the right tools in your arsenal, you can turn the tide and create app experiences that captivate and retain users. 

We share 30 best user engagement tools as per their use cases. Our list has covered:

  • A brief description of the tool
  • Key features
  • Ideal use case for each tool

What are user engagement tools?

User engagement tools help you deliver and facilitate meaningful interactions between the users and your app. They help in designing, executing, and iteration of user flows, all aimed at improving the user engagement rate.

It is a critical metric — such that, when you get your user engagement strategy right – you get your user experience right.

What makes a good user engagement tool?

Here’s what makes a user engagement tool effective:

  1. Intuitive user interface: the editor to design the user experience flows should be intuitive to use. The easier it is for your product teams to work on it, the faster your iteration cycles will be.
  2. No-code development: with the rise of no-code development and the need for iterations, it is not wise to choose user engagement tools that require coding.
  3. Personalization features: personalization is a cornerstone to improve user engagement. It allows you to segment your user base based on various criteria such as behavior, preferences, and demographics. Using this information, you can deliver tailored content, recommendations, and messages to different user segments.
  4. User feedback mechanisms: listening to user feedback is critical for understanding their needs, preferences, and pain points for iteration purposes. Check for features such as surveys, ratings, reviews, or in-app feedback forms using which you to capture user sentiment and insights.
  5. Integration options:  a good user engagement tool is easy to integrate into your existing app infrastructure and straightforward to use for both technical and non-technical users. This also helps with data integration for syncing or sharing.

At Nudge, we provide you with a no-code user experience software that will help you instantly get started with the creation of engaging user flows — check out Nudge

3 things to keep handy before choosing the right user engagement tool

Before using any tool – you are required to know where and how you will use it right?

No point in buying a tool you don’t know how, when, and where to implement.

In this section, we share with you five prerequisites to browsing and adopting user engagement tools:

1. What do your users even want?

Adopting user engagement tools is a great excuse to figure out what your users are seeking when they download or sign up for your app.

Develop a user persona – you can start by asking key user behavior questions like:

  • How frequently do users engage with the product?
  • Which features do they use most often?
  • Where do they encounter challenges or friction points?

Understanding user preferences will give you insights on how to modify the user flows, what content to deliver, prioritize features, and more.

Then, your user engagement tool should have the required features to help cater to these user needs.

2. Know your user journey touchpoints

Map out the user journey from initial awareness to conversion and beyond.

You must identify all touchpoints where users interact with the product — including the website, mobile app, email communications, social media channels, and customer support.

Then, you can pinpoint opportunities for engaging users with relevant messaging, prompts, or offers.

For example, if you find that many users drop off during the onboarding process, you may need a user engagement tool that offers personalized onboarding flows or in-app messaging to guide users through the process effectively.

3. Know your product’s technical infrastructure requirements

This is a critical one – 

To decide which integrations are relevant for your product and seamlessly integrate with the user engagement tool, you must first know what your product stack is.

This includes knowledge of the existing software stack, data architecture, APIs, and integrations.

You can evaluate whether the tool can accommodate your product's current user base and anticipated growth – but also, can it do so without compromising performance or reliability?

Additionally, you can determine whether the tool offers scalability features such as flexible pricing plans, resource allocation, and support for high-traffic volumes.

Now, let’s get into the main stuff — we have listed stellar user engagement tools across a variety of use cases that you will come across while designing user flows for your customer’s journey.

Best user engagement tools for — in-app engagement

Let’s start with in-app engagement tools — these help you analyze, optimize, and enhance interactions between users and your app – within the app itself.

Usually, these tools will include all-in-one features to design, test, and iterate your user experience flows. Typical features include mobile tooltips, nudges, gamification, in-app messaging, feedback collection, analytics (which may or may not be very comprehensive), and more.

If you’re struggling with user onboarding flows, then in-app engagement tools are a must. Also, if you’re rolling out significant updates or introducing new features to your app, in-app engagement tools can facilitate feature adoption. In these two use cases, they help guide users through the changes and highlight the benefits of the existing or new functionality.

Here are some in-app engagement tools that will help you with user engagement:

1. Nudge – best in-app engagement tool

Nudge provides a comprehensive yet easy-to-adopt user experience solution that doesn’t require coding to implement. You can design unique user flows and curate them as per your product guidelines. It's easy to deploy the user flows in your app, and you can test its performance based on the audience targeted.

Three key in-app engagement features by Nudge:

  • In-app nudges: implement coachmarks, in-app messages, mobile tooltips, spotlight, walkthroughs, and more.
  • User onboarding and activation: design personalized onboarding tours as per the target audience using checklists, tooltips, walkthroughs, and more.
  • Feature adoption: you can announce new product offerings and promote relevant features to target user persona.

Nudge is a great tool for user engagement, where it can help you get started if you're just launching and also nurture user retention with targeted nudges — book a demo to learn more.

2. Userpilot

Userpilot is positioned as a ‘product growth platform’ – and it includes in-app engagement tools too. Although it's expensive, they include comprehensive features to increase user engagement, design personalized product experiences, collect user feedback, and analyze performance.

Userpilot is great if you are a B2B company with a budget and require an all-in-one user experience solution with advanced analytics.

3. WalkMe

WalkMe is primarily a digital adoption platform that focuses on in-app guidance, workflow automation, and conversational tools. Its primary use case is centered around onboarding and automation. It also includes data analytics tools for getting insights from your automated workflows.

WalkMe is a suitable tool if you want to deliver contextual onboarding experiences and track comprehensive data to improve product adoption.

Best user engagement tools for — user acquisition

User acquisition tools help you build product experiences that help attract new users via targeted campaigns. Their primary aim is to help you increase app signups, build waitlists, or capture emails for newsletter lists so that you can further nurture them to convert into paid users as they enter your customer journey.

Typical features for a user acquisition tool centered around user engagement include developing landing pages, A/B testing product copy, or running referral programs. But typically, the right tool choice would highly depend on your user acquisition and engagement strategy.

Here are some user acquisition tool suggestions that help with user engagement:

4. Airship

Airship is an app experience software that helps you with user engagement both inside and outside the app. This means, it not only helps you with app engagement tools like push notifications, feedback, or stories — but also ASO, email, and SMS marketing. Thus, you can run segmented user acquisition campaigns and then bring them into your app for further engagement.

Airship is suitable if you’re looking for a single tool for your complete user experience stack across experience design, optimization, and personalization. It brings your acquisition and engagement efforts into one place with various tools for targeted campaigns.

5. ReferralCandy

It is a dream for many apps to get their product viral such that it kicks off word of mouth marketing. A tough channel to crack – but the secret behind success is often a referral marketing tool.

ReferralCandy helps you increase your sales targets via referral programs-based user acquisition campaigns, AKA – to trigger word-of-mouth marketing. It helps you run design reward schemes, automate invitations, segment audiences, run commission-based campaigns, and more.

If your user acquisition or engagement strategy involves referral marketing – then ReferralCandy is an apt choice.

If you wish to run a gamified referral program for your app’s growth or want to experiment with gamified user experiences — then Nudge can help you do so without code:

6. Unbounce

Unbounce is a popular landing page builder that helps you design, test, and iterate on your app’s landing pages.

Getting your landing page right is the holy grail of user acquisition – where one spends thousands of dollars to get the copy and design right. With Unbounce, you can quickly reach your highest-converting landing pages and also deploy multiple versions for A/B testing. It also provides you with features like popups, sticky bars, and AI copywriting to increase conversions.

If you are engaging your users with landing page-driven campaigns, then Unbounce is a good tool to get started with.

Best user engagement tools for — interactive guides

Interactive guides help your users learn how to use your app by doing so.

How do they work?

They basically guide users through various features, functionalities, or processes — and good interactive guide tools will help you do so in a targeted way. This means they will help your users learn how to accomplish the use case for which they downloaded your app. Unlike traditional static tutorials or walkthroughs, interactive guides adapt to user behavior and preferences.

Typical features include product walkthroughs, checklists, support assistance, feedback collection, and more.

Here are some interactive guide tools that will help you with user engagement:

7. Stonly

Stonly is a dedicated interactive guide creation software to help you design user engagement flows for both customers and employees.

The best part? — you can personalize how the guided flow works based on audience type, thus ensuring maximum engagement. You can design checklists, guided tours, surveys, contact forms, and more.

Apart from guide creation, you can build a comprehensive knowledge base and also implement the latest technologies like artificial intelligence to provide AI answers to customer queries. 

Interactive guides are great for redesigning your onboarding process – especially if your completion or conversion rates are less. It will help you provide interactive experiences – a tactic used by 88% of marketers who have used interactive content to differentiate their brands.

8. Oracle Guided Learning

Oracle Guided Learning is one of the offerings by ‘PeopleSoft’ by Oracle which helps you build interactive guided experiences for employees.

These guides are real-time and help you simplify any complex internal tasks for your employees. It understands the context of the process at hand and helps deliver relevant content as per the employee’s understanding. This tool is also good if you have an app that faces compliance — which means, it only displays the most updated processes or procedures.

If your app is designed for employees as a target audience or you want to design interactive guides for your employees, then Oracle Guided Learning would be a perfect platform for you to explore.

9. Pendo

Pendo is an app experience platform that includes features for designing in-app guides. It is a no-code tool that can help you deploy in-app guides without using any engineering resources. Your product managers or marketers can easily design and iterate the guided flows based on data tracked by its analytics.

Pendo’s tool can be used for both customer and employee guidance — and you can also use artificial intelligence features to auto-generate the guides.

If you’re looking for a no-code solution for designing in-app guides, you can explore Pendo.

If you want to design user experiences beyond in-app guides too – then Nudge also includes features to design onboarding tours, walkthroughs, and checklists:

Best user engagement tools for — omnichannel customer communication

Do you see your customers are signing up for your app via multiple channels?

Then you may want to have a tool that helps you keep track of them — in a single place.

That is what Omnichannel customer engagement tools do — they are very handy in facilitating interactions between businesses and customers across various communication channels. You can engage with their audience through multiple touchpoints, including email, SMS, live chat, social media, and more.

By meeting customers where they are, you can increase the likelihood of engagement and response. For example, a customer can start a conversation via live chat on a company's website and continue it later via email without having to repeat the information. This continuity enhances the user experience and encourages ongoing engagement.

Here are three omnichannel customer communication tools that will help you consistently engage users:

10. Tidio

Tidio is an omnichannel communication tool that helps you stay online everywhere – be it WhatsApp, email, live chat, Messenger, etc. It also helps you launch AI chatbots and AI assistants to reduce the burden on your support team when it comes to dealing with support tickets or other requests.

It also provides sales automation tools where you can design contextual workflows that increase conversions. You can cross-sell, provide a post-purchase experience, and develop scarcity or urgency to upgrade or purchase.

If you’re looking to design unique user engagement experiences centered around support and being cross-channel, then Tidio might do the job for you.

11. Gorgias

Gorgias helps you automate customer experience using artificial intelligence. You can have an all-in-one support inbox so that you gain 360-degree visibility on how your customers engage with your brand across platforms.

As per their website — they can help you automate 60% of your customer support workflows.

How does that help with user engagement?

It is useful to have support accessibility when you’re trying to shift your user’s focus as per your designed customer journey. Having support helps as users may feel confused. With such tools, you can track where your customers are engaging with you and always stay available to help them use their app.

If you’re looking to heavily incorporate AI agents into your customer support experience, the Gorgias may be the right CX automation tool.

12. Netomi

Netomi is another CX platform that can help you enable the latest trend of Generative AI into your customer support flows. Targeted at enterprises, this tool helps you seamlessly integrate AI within your CX stack without much coding. You can automate customer care and focus on users who are about to churn to provide personalized experiences to them.

Netomi can help you stay available across voice, live chat, SMS, search, social media, email, and more.

You can explore Netomi to take your customer support experiences on auto-pilot and experiment with Generative AI capabilities.

13. Optimove 

Optimove helps you automate your messaging across the platforms. Based on the customer’s query, response, or request, you can design unique flows and contextual messages to reduce manual support needs.

You can also implement a powerful search engine where users can search across your content to get recommendations and help for self-service. It also helps surface content that is most likely to convert them during sales conversations.

If you’re looking for an omnichannel engagement tool that caters to both support and sales, you can explore Optimove’s offerings.

Best user engagement tools for — user retention

User retention tools address the challenge of retaining users and keeping them engaged with your app over time.

Their main aim is to identify bottlenecks that users might face when using your app and help execute user retention strategies to overcome them. Typical features include personalization capabilities, user segmentation, advanced analytics, customer feedback collection, in-app messaging, and more.

If your user retention metrics are not looking good, then it is critical to opt for app retention tools to improve engagement. You may also be facing high drop-off rates, which indicate improper onboarding flow. To tackle this, user retention tools will help alert and bring them back to your app. They also help engage users post-execution of feature adoption measures.

For example, you can send personalized messages or notifications highlighting related features. Or you can offer tips on maximizing the utility of the adopted features if a user disengages after a while. Thus, user retention tools are great for encouraging continued engagement and exploration.

Here are three good user retention tools to help you nurture and sustain continued user engagement:

14. Adikteev

Adikteev is a user retention tool that helps you analyze the audience, predict churn, and implement user retention tactics to reduce customer churn. It creates a monthly churn score card which helps you give a snapshot of how healthy the user retention of your app is. It can segment your users and determine at-risk customers so that you can focus your retention strategy accordingly.

If you’re looking for a simple tool to predict churn and analyze the audience from a user retention perspective, then Adikteev might be a good tool to help.

15. Churnfree

Churnfree focuses on cancellation flows – where you can design custom user flows that make your customer rethink their cancellation decision. It is a subscription management tool focused on user retention features.

For example, you can boost user engagement with offers, help customers instantly pause subscriptions, collect feedback, and more. It also provides an analytics dashboard to get insights on churn prediction and retention rates.

If your app involves ‘subscription’ related user flows, especially around paid features, then having a tool that engages users around that can help reduce cancellation.

Nudge also is a suitable tool to help you engage customers and implement user retention strategies in a single platform. Compared to others, it provides more options to create unique and sticky user experiences using gamification or in-app nudges — check out Nudge for user engagement and retention

Best user engagement tools for — user analytics

It is unthinkable for any product manager to not have user analytics software in their product toolkit. These tools are the ones that help them decide if their product engagement strategy is working or not by gathering data on various aspects of user engagement. This includes session durations, feature usage, conversion rates, and retention metrics.

User analytics tools can be specialized in specific areas like funnel analytics, behavioral analytics, cohort analysis, personalization, retention, etc. There are also full-fledged product analytics tools that include a mix of everything. The choice depends on your use case, budget, and availability of data to capture.

If your app is constantly shipping — then user analytics tools are a must to gauge the success of your app launch, app feature updates, marketing campaigns, and more. This ongoing analysis enables swift adjustments and optimizations to improve user engagement and retention.

Let’s see our top three picks for user analytics and how they help improve user engagement:

17. Embrace

Embrace is a user analytics tool for mobile apps to track and get insights from user experience data. It helps you identify the root cause of your app issues so that you can immediately take steps to resolve them.

For example, you can go through the user session insights and know how your users are navigating your app. You can instantly get alerts on app crashes via reports, app exists, and KPIs via the dashboard.

If your app faces frequent crashes, an app exists, or other key drop-off reasons, then Embrace can help you figure out the cause to fix.

16. Hotjar

Hotjar is a good addition to in-app engagement tools that may lack advanced analytics features.

It helps you observe your users more carefully. But what does that mean?

You can create user heat maps, record user sessions, interview users to get insights, run surveys, and more. All these help you know the reality of your app usage – exactly how your users are using the product, where they clicked, the time taken to get onboarded, etc.

Hotjar is a great addition to your user engagement tool stacks when you’ve launched your app and want to know initial user impressions. It is good to deal with needle-in-haystack problems – that your existing user engagement tools with basic analytics aren't able to spot.

18. CleverTap

CleverTap has already made our list of product analytics tools in our 35+ user onboarding tools guide. For the user engagement tools, we would like to highlight their Clever AI which helps you use AI to get user insights, predict churn possibilities, and forecast business KPIs. It also helps you cater to customers using Generative AI-enabled conversational tools. Using these insights, you can further use AI to design experiments to improve user engagement.

If you’re looking for an AI-first approach for your user engagement strategy, you can explore Clever AI’s features.

19. Outbrain 

Outbrain helps predict user engagement and is focused on advertising use cases. It helps you predict success and track KPIs for your app performance marketing campaigns. You can track native ads, contextual video ads, and more to drive revenues and conversions.

If your overall marketing strategy involves spending on ads, then Outbrain can help you align your user engagement and ad strategy.

Best user engagement tools for — churn reduction

Once you understand your user retention metrics and key reasons for churn, your next step to improve user engagement is to reduce customer churn. To optimize this, you quantify churn by calculating the churn rate –  which is the rate at which users stop engaging with your app or service over a given period.

Then, using churn reduction tools, you can implement user engagement strategies designed to reduce churn rate. The crux of these strategies is around identifying at-risk users and re-engaging the disengaged users.

Typical features include predictive analytics, user behavior modeling, targeted personalization, and automation to collect feedback during unsubscribe workflow.

If your app is facing a plateaued growth rate wherein new users are joining, but they aren’t engaged or do not come back, then you must explore churn reduction tools. Seasonal fluctuations or special events may impact user engagement levels, leading to temporary spikes in churn. During these periods, deploying churn reduction tools can help mitigate the effects of churn by implementing targeted campaigns or incentives to encourage continued usage.

Another obvious reason to adopt churn reduction tools is declining key engagement metrics such as daily active users (DAU), session duration, or feature adoption rates. This may indicate a growing disinterest or dissatisfaction among your user base — for which, churn reduction tools can help mitigate or fix.

Here are our top three picks for churn reduction to improve user engagement:

20. Churn 360

Churn 360 helps you create a workspace for your customer success teams. Using this, they can get a 360-degree view of various user segments and track their activity on your app. It also helps automate customer success workflows, identify at-risk customers, and perform feedback campaigns to gain insights into churn.

If you're looking for an all-in-one churn management solution with churn reduction features, then Churn 360 is a good option to check out.

21. Qualtrics

If you’re looking for an enterprise solution for your churn management, then Qualtrics offers you a complete customer experience platform with churn reduction features. Using advanced data analytics, it can predict at-risk customers, create support tickets to avoid losing customers, and give insights into why customers are leaving your app.

Apart from churn reduction, Qualtrics offers a host of other tools for UX research, performance marketing, customer lifecycle management, and more.

22. Baremetrics

Baremetrics is a perfect churn reduction and insights tool for subscription-based businesses. Here, we focus on its cancellation insights feature to help you find out why customers are unsubscribing to your app. It also helps with sending automated email campaigns to bring them back into the app.

If you’re looking for a churn reduction solution that offers personalized follow-up, feedback, and email marketing features, then Baremetrics can help.

Best user engagement tools for — user retargeting

Noticing too many users are just coming into your app, but after a few visits, they aren't coming back?

It’s a common problem for new app launches, where many are still experimenting with features and one is still figuring out their customer persona. To navigate this and ensure you bring them back – user retargeting tools are handy.

User retargeting tools are a subset of user engagement tools designed to re-engage users who have previously interacted with your app but may have become inactive or dropped off. They usually include features like behavior-based targeting, personalized messaging, dynamic content, A/B testing, segmentation, conversion tracking, and more.

For eCommerce apps, having user retargeting apps is a non-negotiable. So many customers leave items on wish lists or do not complete transactions — they need to be brought back to complete them via such retargeting campaigns. It is also useful to promote feature adoption, launch promotions, re-engage abandoned session users, and more.

23. ConvertFlow

ConvertFlow is designed for eCommerce apps. In this list, we will focus on its ‘car abandonment’ feature which is a common problem for the eCommerce industry. ConvertFlow will help design personalized campaigns based on user segments to provide offers or content recommendations that push them to complete the purchase.

It also helps engage anyone who browsers your product catalogs via exit intent popups. All these features work on conditional or user behavior-based triggers to further narrow down the targeting.

24. ReTargeter 

ReTargeter, as the name suggests, helps with retargeting campaigns. They help you design programmatic ads without much coding to help reduce the cost of acquisition by strengthening your retention numbers.

It also helps track your conversions and suggests insights on how you can improve. They help across CRM, audience, contextual, search, and look-alike targeting campaigns.

If you run such programmatic ads for your retargeting campaigns, then ReTargeter might be a tool you can check out for automation.

25. RevX

Do you already run app targeting campaigns? Then you might want an optimization tool that helps you share insights, re-target, and increase the ROI of your campaigns.

RevX’s one of the offerings includes app retargeting, where it understands your customer journey and helps engage them at each stage. It also helps monetize your users to increase revenues and customer lifetime value. In short, it helps you increase your active users by helping you implement engagement tricks that bring them back into your app and push them further into the customer journey funnel toward paid users.

If you’re struggling to bring dormant users or convert your existing customers into paid ones, then RevX’s app retargeting features can help.

Best user engagement tools for — live chats

Live chat tools have become pretty much the default requirement to engage website visitors and app users. With the rise of Generative AI, we now see ‘AI support agents’ that are further enabling instant 24 by 7 customer support. With these live chat tools, users can ask questions, seek assistance, or provide feedback directly to customer support representatives or automated chatbots.

Typical features of such live chat tools include real-time messaging, summarizing information from your knowledge base to help users, canned responses, multi-channel support dashboards, chat transcript analysis, and more.

If you’re facing too many customer support requests regarding your app, then live chat tools to engage the user are a must. These are also helpful when you’re onboarding a new user so that they can instantly receive support. You can design event-based engagement user flows – for example, if a user spends too much time on the products page of an eCommerce app, you can trigger a sales bot to help make the right purchase.

Here are our three top picks for enabling live chat features for your app:

26. Intercom

Intercom offers an artificial intelligence-enabled conversational service and support platform. Its AI support agents can help resolve 50% of the support volume, which frees up your support agents' time for more critical tickets or sales queries.

A key feature includes automating repetitive support workflows, bringing all support tickets in one inbox-like interface, getting AI-led insights on support tickets to improve product, outbound and omnichannel messaging, and much more.

If you have adopted an omnichannel engagement strategy, then having a live chat tool that brings conversations together is important to keep track of — for this, you can explore Intercom.

27. Drift

Drift helps integrate Generative AI technology into your conversational sales processes. This means it can take care of the initial conversations and engage your newly signed-up users or website visitors about your app and its value proposition. It also helps gauge buy signals from the user and helps you upsell or cross-sell accordingly.

If you’re looking to implement Generative AI for conversational sales (and also support), then check out Drift’s solutions.

28. LiveHelpNow

LiveHelpNow promises to provide a complete customer service team with its solutions. It helps you deploy live chat or AI agents to take care of mundane customer service tasks, especially manual and repetitive ones.

For example, it can screen the intent of the user and consider website content, knowledge base, and past support tickets to answer any incoming queries from them.

If you’re looking to implement self-service customer support, then LiveHelpNow provides relevant AI features and chatbot solutions.

Best user engagement tools for — customer success

If your strategy is to be customer-centric for product growth and marketing, then you might want to have customer success tools to automate relevant tasks. These tools are designed to help businesses understand, engage, and delight their customers throughout their journey, ultimately driving user engagement and loyalty.

At its core, customer success is about ensuring that customers achieve their desired outcomes while using a product or service. So many of these tools will typically include features such as full-fledged customer relationship management, feedback, communication channel management, and customer engagement analytics.

Sometimes, a business is not receiving good app store reviews, or social media mentions, or is receiving poor scores across customer feedback. In this case, you may want to consider using customer success tools to find out the problematic areas. These tools engage users in personalized conversations, offering proactive guidance, and celebrating milestones — all leading to nurturing meaningful relationships with their customers beyond transactional interactions.

Here are our top three customer success tools list to ensure consistent user engagement:

29. Conversica

Conversica is a conversational AI platform specifically designed to accelerate revenues. Revenue teams can use their tools to build intuitive and human experiences across customer journeys to help them convert better with the right message at the right time. It helps manage conversations with your customers across channels, segments, and even languages to streamline your relationship with them.

This means better alignment of your app and brand to meet customer’s exact needs wherever they are and whichever language or channel they communicate with.

If your core business problem is to increase conversions and revenues using conversational marketing or sales, then check our Conversica.

30. Zendesk

Zendesk is a popular customer success platform that helps with end-to-end customer support management. This includes comprehensive features for building a knowledge base, automating customer support conversations using AI bots, live chat tools, support agent workspace, and much more.

If your product receives too many customer support tickets or if you’re launching a new product and want to seek extensive customer feedback, then Zendesk can streamline and automate those workflows.

31. Zoho Creator

Think none of the above tools works for you?

Here’s a bonus user engagement tool recommendation:

Then Zoho Creator helps you build custom workflows for designing unique customer experiences without code. You can build brand experiences that meet your unique product and user needs. With Zoho, you need not worry about customer data security too. It also helps get insights from your workflows and data to help improve your designed experiences.

It also provides integration support, which means you can connect your existing apps and processes, while also not being restricted to getting locked with Zoho.

Wondering how to get started with your app’s user engagement efforts?  — Nudge can help!

Some tools mentioned above have very specific use cases or involve too much investment in terms of capital or developer talent. If you’re just starting your user engagement efforts, you may want to consider a no-code user experience tool with the flexibility of engagement options.

At Nudge – we help you exactly with that!

Our no-code user experience solution helps you design, deploy, segment audience, test, and iterate based on insights, in a single platform. You can uniquely design user flows via in-app nudges, walkthroughs, and checklists, and gamify them as per your product’s needs — book a demo to learn more.

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Gaurav Rawat
May 27, 2024