Creating User Journey Maps: A Step-by-Step Guide

Kanishka Thakur
June 21, 2024
15 min


Understanding how users experience a product is crucial in UI/UX design. User journey maps play a key role in this process. These maps show users' steps from their first interaction with a product to their last. They are not just pictures but tell a story about the user’s experience. Using these maps allows designers and product teams to see what users like, dislike, and find confusing, which helps create better and easier-to-use products.

User journey maps also help designers understand and feel what users go through. By looking at the user’s journey, designers can imagine themselves in their place and see what users need and what problems they face. This helps in making more user-friendly products. Additionally, these maps provide important information about how users interact with a product, showing what works well and what needs improvement. With this information, businesses can improve their products, making users happier and more likely to use them.

Defining User Journey Maps

User journey maps represent the entire customer interaction process with the product or service. They assist companies in comprehending users' behavior throughout the process, from the first contact to repeated purchases and recommendations. These maps help determine customers' areas of pain, which directly improves the overall user experience.

User journey maps are crucial in pinpointing user needs and pain points. By creating a visual representation of the customer journey, businesses can:

1. Identify User Needs

User journey maps help businesses understand what customers are trying to achieve and what they hope to gain from their interactions with the product or service. This information is vital for designing products that meet customer needs effectively.

Use our ‘Surveys’ to collect user feedback and understand their needs and requirements to offer personalized solutions. 

2. Pinpoint Pain Points

The maps highlight areas where customers face difficulties or frustration, allowing businesses to address these issues and improve the overall user experience.

3. Enhance User Experience

By understanding the customer journey, businesses can design products that are more intuitive, functional, and enjoyable to use. This leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Foster a User-Centric Mentality

User journey maps encourage businesses to think from the customer’s perspective, fostering a user-centric mentality that drives product design and development.

5. Create a Shared Vision

The visual representation of the customer journey serves as a shared reference point for different team members and stakeholders, ensuring everyone is aligned on the customer experience goals.

5. Uncover Design Flaws

User journey maps can reveal design flaws or new opportunities for improvement, helping businesses optimize their products and services.

User Research & Insights by Nudge is an excellent user feedback feature that can be a great way to assess consumer satisfaction.

The Benefits of User Journey Maps

For businesses, user journey maps hold a significant role in long-term growth and customer satisfaction. Here are some of the top benefits of implementing user journey maps:

1. Understanding the User's Perspective

User journey maps assist designers in viewing the product from the user’s perspective. In this way, designers can see how a user progresses through a certain process and what he or she likes and dislikes. This approach is vital for the development of designs that are in tune with the needs of the user.

2. Challenges and Opportunities

This way, designers can identify certain points at which the user faces a particular issue. These are the pain points which are the areas that need to be addressed. On the other hand, journey maps can also highlight areas where the user experience can be improved, for instance, by incorporating new features or improving the flow of certain processes.

3. Fostering Empathy

User journey maps help designers focus on user needs as they navigate the product. This way, the designers get into the users’ shoes and can know how the users feel, thus coming up with better designs. Empathy is the cornerstone of user-centered design since it allows product development that corresponds to the user’s wants and feelings.

4. Enhancing Collaboration

They also assist in communication within the team, the members of which use these maps to convey information. They give people a common and easily understandable perspective of the user and how they interact with the product. This collaborative approach guarantees that all the aspects of the product design are aimed at providing the best user experience.

5. Continuous Improvement

User journey maps are not set in stone; they change as user feedback and data are gathered. This ongoing process allows teams to keep improving the product and ensuring it is always user-friendly and up-to-date.

6. Identifying Pain Points

User journey maps clearly show where users encounter problems or frustrations. By highlighting these pain points, the maps indicate where improvements are needed. Designers can then focus on these areas to make the product more user-friendly.

7. Spotting Opportunities

Besides identifying problems, journey maps can reveal opportunities for new features or enhancements. For example, if users struggle with a particular step, adding a helpful feature or simplifying the discovery using a tooltip can significantly improve their experience.

8. Tracking User Behavior

By analyzing user journey maps, companies can see patterns in user behavior. Understanding these patterns helps make informed decisions about where to invest in design improvements. It also helps predict future user needs and address them proactively.

Crucial Elements of a User Journey Map

It is important to know all the key elements of the user journey map to utilize it efficiently. Here are the main elements associated with journey mapping: 

1. Define Objectives

Explain the purpose of the map in detail, for instance, to gain insight into the specific issues that affect the application's use, optimize users' experiences, or increase customer satisfaction.

2. Identify Personas

List the main factors participating in the user journey, what they want to achieve, what drives them, and what they expect. This is important as it assists in identifying the user needs and developing products that will be useful to them in the best way.

Use our ‘User Research & Insights’ to understand customers better and identify what they want. 

3. Map Stages and Touchpoints

Outline the various phases in the user journey and the different points at which the user will engage with the product or service in question. This includes the cyber contact and non-cyber contact, the cyber contact is the website visits, social media engagement, and the non-cyber contact is the in-person contact.

4. Document Actions and Emotions

Elaborate the actions and feelings of the user during each step of the process. This encompasses the user’s thoughts, emotions, and actions to realize their needs and areas of concern.

Surveys’ by Nudge can help you to do that, collecting user’s preferences associated with their emotional thought process. 

5. Customer and/or User Persona

Describe the user persona in detail and give an overview of their objectives, needs, and preferences. This is useful in the analysis of the user and coming up with products that may suit their needs best.

6. Phases of the Purchase Journey

Describe the various stages of the buying process, like the awareness stage, consideration stage, and decision stage. This helps one to understand how users navigate through the funnel and where they may be dropping off or facing difficulties. 

7. Customer Touch Points

Enumerate all the potential points of interaction between the user and the product or service without limiting them to the physical or digital interface. 

8. Customer Thoughts and Actions

This means that one should explain the goals of the user at each stage of the journey, the motivation, and the expectations he or she may have. 

9. Emotions

Explain the emotional state of the user at each stage, the user may be happy, angry, or enthusiastic. 

10. Channels and Devices

Identify users' channels and devices at different journey stages, including which platforms and devices are most effective.

The Process of Crafting a User Journey Map

Each step is important when it comes to preparing the user journey map. Let’s get into the whole process of making the journey map with each important step.


Step 1: Defining the scope and objectives of the map

First, decide what you want to achieve with the user journey map. Are you focusing on a specific part of the user experience, like onboarding or the customer journey? Define the goals and the scope clearly. This will guide you through the process.

Step 2: Developing user personas based on real customer data

Next, create user personas. These are detailed descriptions of your typical users based on real data. Include information like age, job, goals, and challenges. This helps you understand who your users are and tailor the map to their needs.

Step 3: Highlighting user goals, expectations, and challenges

Identify what users want to achieve at each stage of their journey, what they expect, and the challenges they face. Knowing their goals, expectations, and pain points will help you design a better experience.

Step 4: Cataloging touchpoints and channels of interaction

List all the points where users interact with your product or service. These are called touchpoints. It could be your website, app, customer service, or social media. Also, note the channels they use for these interactions, like mobile, desktop, or in-person.

Step 5: Graphically arrange the journey stages

Arrange the stages of the user journey in a visual format. This could be a flowchart, a diagram, or any visual that clearly shows the steps users take. Include the user’s actions, thoughts, feelings, touchpoints, and pain points at each stage.

Step 6: Validating and tweaking the map for accuracy and effectiveness

Finally, review the map to make sure it accurately represents the user experience. Validate it with real user feedback and data. Make any necessary adjustments to improve accuracy and effectiveness. This step ensures your map is useful for enhancing the user experience.


Creating user journey maps is essential for understanding and improving the user experience. These maps help you see your product from the user’s perspective, identifying their needs, pain points, and opportunities for enhancement. Following a step-by-step guide, you can create detailed maps that make your designs more user-friendly.

User journey maps are beneficial not just for designers but for the entire business. They help align team members, improve communication, and ensure everyone is focused on delivering a great user experience. Using user journey maps ultimately leads to happier customers and a more successful product.

To make an efficient user journey map, it is essential to understand your customers first. Nudge offers an excellent customer survey tool, so make sure to book a demo with us! 

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Kanishka Thakur
June 21, 2024